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It's raining again


It's raining again

Oh no, my love's at an end.

Oh no, it's raining again

and you know it's hard to pretend.

Oh no, it's raining again

Too bad I'm losing a friend.

Oh no, it's raining again

Oh will my heart ever mend.

Oh no, it's raining again

You're old enough some people say

To read the signs and walk away

It's only time that heals the pain

And makes the sun come out again

 It's raining again


Oh no, my love's at an end.

Oh no, it's raining again

Too bad I'm losing a friend.


C'mon you little fighter

No need to get up tighter


C'mon you little fighter

And get back up again

Oh get back up again

Fill your heart again...

Scarica questo file (it's rainning again.pdf)attività - It's raining again![ ]44 kB1064 Downloads


+1 #2 Alessia 17 2014-06-01 17:53
È stato molto bello ascoltare la canzone e cantarla!!!
È stata una idea molto bella
0 #1 Arianna 2014-01-31 21:40
Ho tentato di ascoltarla,ma pultroppo non riesco ad aprire la pagina.
CHE PECCATO!!!!!! :cry:

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